Friday, March 12, 2010

??? Continued.

Once again I say WOW. I'm in complete shock right now as I just found out my boss has been "terminated" or something and is barred from the premises, and is not even allowed to call the centre. She was supposed to be working until March 24th. Apparently we have a new supervisor as of Monday. Uh come again? Oh and my position will likely no longer be necessary. So I've already rewritten my resume. I am hoping I will be able to stay until June.. If not I may take a few weeks off to find something once they lay me off. And now to distract you from my insane job life.. A picture of my gorgeous toddler signing for bedtime while he's in the bath.


Stacie said...

Hmm, interesting. Wonder what she did to have gotten herself terminated after she had already resigned.

I hope you're able to find something to get you through June.

Good luck, and keep us updated.

That is a great picture of Sky in the bath.

Ashley's Mom said...

That's such a beautiful picture of you little man. Looking at him can't make any bad day turn around, I'm betting!