Friday, May 1, 2009

Fancy Pants

Today internets, I'm wearing dress pants. Yes you heard that right. I haven't worn dress pants in oh 3 years? Not much need when you work with a baby who is likely to spit up on you at any moment or a two year old who likes to touch everything including wet and sticky things and then touch you. The reason for my fancy pants? Could it be the trip to the cardiologist today at ten am? I'd like to say yes, but why bother being dishonest? The truth is that both of my two pairs of jeans that actually fit me are soaked in urine. The first thing wrong with that sentence is that I only own two pairs of pants that fit me, the second is how does one manage to get two pairs of pants soaked in urine when presumably they were not wearing both pairs of pants at the same time. The first one is a lesson in how not to clean the bathroom. Which is to say that cleaning the bathroom should not involve dropping something into the open toilet bowl as the backsplash may hit you. YUCK. The second one is a lesson in not leaving the baby's diaper open any longer than necessary especially whilst said baby is lying on your side of the bed and is in aiming range of your leg. My pants were not the only casualty in that second one.

And there you have it internets. Today I am wearing my fancy pants. Let's hope they bring good luck at the cardiologist appointment. Not that luck has anything to do with it. I'll update afterwards.

UPDATE!!: Skyler's heart is absolutely perfect!! Yay fancy pants!!


Ya Chun said...

the joys of little boys!

hope the heart doc has only good news for you

Stacie said...

Can I just say that I have always liked the term "fancy pants"? It always makes me laugh.

Baby girls also pee when their diapers are off. As a matter of fact, Laney peed about 2-3 times ON her changing table just last week when her diaper was off. Do we ever learn?!

I hope your appointment with the Cardiologist goes well.

LuckyOnce said...

Nice one. ;) Have you ever heard of peepee teepeees? :)

Karen said...

LOL! I've been there, too. Hope the appointment goes great.

smolder said...

LMAO that was the funnest thing i have ever seen. Yup that boy sure has some distance, almost made it all the way off the bed.

Azaera said...

Yeah I heard of peepee teepees, they're funny. I could probably sew some up myself pretty quickly but I'd never remember to have them handy everytime I change him. And yeah he probably would have peed off the bed if I hadn't been in the way! lol

Buttercup said...

Prayers that all went well today!

CLC said...

great news about his heart. maybe you should wear the fancy pants more often!

Karen said...

Whoo-hoo! I'm so happy to hear his heart is OK. Better than OK! :D He's super-duper! I'm so happy for you guys.